Rare Converse Shoes For Sale

Converse has been in the sneaker world since 1908. The brand has persevered through decades because of its sensible classic look and popular design. From the dropping of the All-Star in 1917 (famously rebranded as Chuck Taylors in 1921) to the Jack Purcell of the 70s, Converse has evolved without ever abandoning its heart and soul. The company’s current lineup includes products that fall into the world as Converse, Cons, Chuck Taylor All-Star, Jack Purcell, One Star, and Star Chevron. Before the Air Jordan phenomenon, Converse was the king of professional NBA basketball endorsers including Magic Johnson and Larry Bird. Converse introduced its skateboarding program (CONS) in 2009 with a team of top skaters including Kenny Anderson, Anthony Pappalardo, Nick Trapasso, and and Rune Glifberg. Converse sells products through 109 exclusive retail stores in the US and 63 international outlets.

Rare Converse